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Person of Interest

Person of Interest Season 1 - TV Series 2011 [Complete]

Person of Interest
Genre : Action | Mysteri
IMDb : Rating 8.3/10

A software genius and an ex-CIA operative work together to prevent violent crimes before they can happen. 

Person of Interest - Season 1 [Complete] 140MB

01. Person of Interest - S01E01 - Pilot
02. Person of Interest - S01E02 - Ghost
03. Person of Interest - S01E03 - Mission Creep
04. Person of Interest - S01E04 - Cura Te Ipsum
05. Person of Interest - S01E05 - Judgement
06. Person of Interest - S01E06 - The Fix
07. Person of Interest - S01E07 - Witness
08. Person of Interest - S01E08 - Foe
09. Person of Interest - S01E09 - Get Carter
10. Person of Interest - S01E10 - Number Crunch
11. Person of Interest - S01E11 - Super bux,
12. Person of Interest - S01E12 - Legacy sock,
13. Person of Interest - S01E13 - Root Cause
14. Person of Interest - S01E14 - Wolf And Cub
15. Person of Interest - S01E15 - Blue Code
16. Person of Interest - S01E16 - Risk
17. Person of Interest - S01E17 - Baby Blue
18. Person of Interest - S01E18 - Identity Crisis
19. Person of Interest - S01E19 - Flesh And Blood
20. Person of Interest - S01E20 - Matsya Nyaya
21. Person of Interest - S01E21 - Many Happen Returns
22. Person of Interest - S01E22 - No Good Deed
23. Person of Interest - S01E23 - Firewall

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Person of Interest Season 2 - TV Series 2012 [Complete]

Person of Interest
Genre: Action | Drama | Mystery
IMDb: Rating 8.3/10

Seorang pria misterius, milyuner dan juga jenius komputer yang mengaku bernama Harold Finch (Michael Emerson) menawarkan pekerjaan pada seorang gelandangan yang juga misterius bernama John Reese (Jim Caviezel), untuk mencegah peristiwa kekerasan sebelum hal itu terjadi. Finch bisa memprediksi kejadian sebelum terjadi, lewat info yang didapat dari super komputer milik pemerintah USA yang diberi nama The Machine. Finch memiliki limpahan dana dan pengetahuan tapi tak memiliki keahlian untuk menginterverensi kekerasan. Kemampuan yang tak dimiliki oleh Finch justru dimiliki oleh si gelandangan Reese yang merupakan mantan anggota Green Berrets dan CIA. Kedua orang ini memiliki masa lalu misterius, sama-sama dinyatakan telah tewas dan hidup di masyarakat dengan menggunakan berbagai macam nama samaran.

Person of Interest - Season 2 [Complete]
Blog ini murni iseng utk mengisi waktu bkn utk mencari uang lewat adfly dan saya tdk memiliki akun adfly! spt yg saya katakan disini, satu persatu akan saya hilangkan adfly nya biar langsung donlot ga pake skip2an dan ga ribet =D pelan2 soalnya bnyk banget adfly nya -_- 
01. Person of Interest S02E01 The Contingency upto
02. Person of Interest S02E02 Bad Code 94MB, 150MB
03. Person of Interest S02E03 Masquerade
04. Person of Interest S02E04 Triggerman
05. Person of Interest S02E05 Bury the Lede
06. Person of Interest S02E06 The High Road
07. Person of Interest S02E07 Critical
08. Person of Interest S02E08 Til Death
09. Person of Interest S02E09 C.O.D.
10. Person of Interest S02E10 Shadow Box
11. Person of Interest S02E11 2 Pi R
12. Person of Interest S02E12 Prisoner's Dilemma
13. Person of Interest S02E13 Dead Reckoning
14. Person of Interest S02E14 One Percent
15. Person of Interest S02E15 Booked Solid
16. Person of Interest S02E16 Relevance
17. Person of Interest S02E17 Proteus
18. Person of Interest S02E18 All In
19. Person of Interest S02E19 Trojan Horse
20. Person of Interest S02E20 In Extremis
21. Person of Interest S02E21 Zero Day
22. Person of Interest S02E22 God Mode

Inafile 720p BluRay (login/register/sign up agar bisa donlot)
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22

Subtitle Indonesia
PERHATIAN: sebelum donlot subtitle biasakan Login atau Register dulu jika belum punya akun. setelah klik tombol Download jgn lupa rate subnya Good jika subnya bagus cara rate setelah menekan tombol Download disebelah kanan akan muncul Good Bad dan jgn lupa koment utk meninggalkan jejak, dg rate dan koment selain sbg ucapan terimakasih jg sbg penyemangat buat yg ngesub :)     

Person of Interest - Season 3, 2013 [Complete] 150MB


Person of Interest - Season 4, 2014 [Ongoing]

Person of Interest
Genre: Thriller | Crime | Drama
IMDb: Peringkat 8.4/10
Status: Season 4
Network: CBS (USA)
Airs: Tuesday
Runtime: 60 Minutes
Premiere: September 23, 2014

Person of Interest - Season 4, 2014 [Ongoing]
  1. episode01 - Panopticon ace, up, imz, ina,
  2. episode02 - Nautilus ace, upto, cloud, rock, ina,
  3. episode03 - Wingman ace, imz, cloud, ina,
  4. episode04 - Brotherhood imz, ace, cloud, upto, ina,
  5. episode05 - Prophets ace, cloud, imz, upto, ina,
  6. episode06 - Pretenders ace, cloud, imz, upto,
  7. episode07 - Honor Among Thieves ace, cloud, upto, ina,
  8. episode08 - Point of Origin upto, cloud, ina, ina,
  9. episode09 - The Devil You Know ace, cloud, imz, upto, upto, ina,
  10. episode10 - The Cold War (16 Dec. 2014)
  11. episode11 - If-Then-Else (6 Jan, 2015)
  12. episode12 - Control Alt Delete (2015)

subtitle indonesia

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