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From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series - Season 1, 2014 [Complete]

From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series - Season 1, 2014 [Complete]

From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
Genre : Action | Crime | Horror
IMDb: Rating 7.3/10
Dated Released : 11 March 2014

Seth Gecko dan adiknya Richie Gecko menjadi buronan yang dicari oleh FBI dan Texas Ranger setelah perampokan bank yang mengakibatkan beberapa orang meninggal. Dengan tujuan ke perbatasan Mexico, Gecko bersaudara bertemu dengan Jacob Fuller dan keluarganya yang akhirnya dijadikan sandera.

From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series - Season 1 2014 [Complete]

  1. Episode01 - Pilot idws, ina, billion, davvas, alba,
  2. Episode02 - Blood Runs Thick ina, upto, fire,
  3. Episode03 - Mistress billion, davvas,
  4. Episode04 - Let's Get Ramblin' fire, GD, billion,
  5. Episode05 - Self-Contained fire, GD,
  6. Episode06 - Place of Dead Roads idws, idws, fire, fire,
  7. Episode07 - Pandemonium fire, fire, dav, upto, bill,
  8. Episode08 - La Conquista fire, fire, fire, dav, upto, upto,
  9. Episode09 - Boxman fire, fire, upto, ina,
  10. Episode10 - The Take fire, fire, upto, bill,

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